Liberty Mutual Home Insurance is well established in the insurance market. It is the third-largest property and casualty insurer in the U.S and was founded in 1912.

It offers a wide range of products including homeowners and automobile insurance, specific commercial insurances, and general liability insurance.

So, is Liberty Mutual Home Insurance the right insurer for you?

Is Liberty Mutual a Good Home Insurance Company?

liberty mutual insurance logoLiberty Mutual Home Insurance is a well-established home insurance company with a broad range of products and services. As with many insurers, they offer a standard policy protecting your home against all major perils such as fire, flooding, theft, and vandalism.

Unlike other insurance providers, they offer various product discounts to help lower your premiums and tailor your coverage to meet your requirements. Discounts can include multi-policy, claim-free discounts, protective devices discounts, and insured to value discounts.

Multi-policy offers you the chance to save if you take out multiple policies with Liberty Mutual. Further savings can be achieved by purchasing your new policy before your current policy expires.

Liberty Mutual rewards responsible behavior and offers its policyholders claim-free discounts on their premium. In addition to this, they offer discounts for installing protective devices such as burglar alarms or fire alarms in your home to lower the risk.

If you place a high value on customer service, it may be worth noting that Liberty Mutual Home Insurance rates as average in this regard.

What Does Liberty Mutual Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Liberty Mutual’s standard homeowner’s policy covers the following:

  • Dwelling
  • Personal possessions
  • Liability
  • Additional living expenses

You can estimate how much coverage you need by using their handy coverage calculator. Once you have your estimate, you can enter your zip code and begin the process of obtaining a full quote.

Standard homeowner insurance policies generally cover damage caused by aircraft or vehicles, explosion, fire, lightning or smoke damage, theft, vandalism or riot, volcanic eruption, windstorm or hail.

It is vital to check your policy schedule for exact terms of coverage, however. All home insurance policies will differ. Never assume you are covered for something without checking your individual policy schedule.

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Are There Any Add-Ons for Liberty Mutual Home Insurance?

Outside of their standard coverage, additional policy riders can be purchased to increase your level of coverage or target coverage toward specific items of value in your home.

Liberty Mutual Home Insurance offers the following add-on protection:

  • Coverage for valuables
  • Water backup & sump pump overflow
  • Inflation protection
  • Identity Theft Protection

Coverage for Valuables

Jewelry, art, or antiques of high value generally fall outside of the normal range of standard homeowner’s policy coverage.

You can, however, choose to add riders to your policy, providing extra coverage specifically for these items.

Water Backup and Sump Pump Overflow

This is another optional add-on to your policy. It can cover the cost to repair water damage resulting from a backed-up drain or sump.

Inflation Protection

Unlike many other insurers, inflation protection is offered by Liberty Mutual. This ensures your policy coverage stays in line with current market values.

At each renewal, your coverage will rise to match inflation, ensuring that the value of any settlements in the future will match the current economic market.

Identity Theft Protection

This can be purchased as an add-on, providing coverage for any expenses incurred by you as a result of becoming victim to identity theft.

Expenses can include legal fees, loss of income, and any costs incurred while restoring your identity

Liberty Mutual Company Rating

According to the J.D. Power 2016 U.S. Property Claims Satisfaction Survey, Liberty Mutual ranked in the top ten at 854 points on a 1,000-point scale in their Overall Customer Satisfaction Survey. This is in the top ten and above the industry average of 846 points.

Liberty Mutual customers themselves, however, have rated their pricing, service, and claims handling processes as “about average.” Liberty Mutual Home Insurance is considered best for those seeking flexible, comprehensive coverage. For those who place a high value on customer service, it’s not considered ideal.

It’s worth noting, however, that a decline in customer satisfaction ratings have been reported across the board in the industry as insurers turn their focus from customer satisfaction to cost reduction in a market of declining premium rates.

The increase in severe weather events and the subsequent complicated claims processes may also be a factor in declining customer satisfaction.

Pros & Cons of Liberty Mutual Home Insurance

Let’s take a quick look at the advantages and disadvantages of choosing to insure your home with Liberty Mutual Home Insurance.


  • Loss Forgiveness: This means that your insurance premiums won’t increase automatically after your first claim, similar to automobile insurance.
  • Inflation Protection: Your coverage will rise at each renewal to match inflation and keep up with current living costs.
  • Full Replacement Cost: Where replacement of a damaged item is unavailable, Liberty Mutual will provide you with total replacement cost without deducting value for depreciation.
  • Good selection of discounts: No claim, multi-policy, and protective device discounts can allow you to reduce your premiums.
  • Mobile Policy Management: Apps available on most smart devices to allow you to view your policy documents, make payments, or file claims.


  • Average Rating: Liberty Mutual Home Insurance has been rated as average by its customers for pricing, customer service, and claims handling. If you value a high level of customer service, you may find yourself a bit frustrated during the claims handling process.

Is Liberty Mutual Home Insurance for You?

As with all insurance providers, your exact quote will depend on certain variables such as your home’s size, location, risk factors, and any valuables that need coverage. It’s worth investing time in shopping around various insurers to get the best quote or have an insurance broker do the work for you.

Depending on the insurer, premiums can be lowered with different discounts such as multi-policy, security device discount, or even by choosing a higher deductible.

Liberty Mutual Home Insurance is proactive and will reward their policyholders for responsible behavior by offering a good range of discounts.