As you look for the cheapest car insurance in Delaware, it pays to do your homework.

Take time to research the local insurance market, as well as comparison shop among the different car insurance providers.

With competitive offers in hand, you can bargain for the best deal on your car insurance.

The type of car you drive, your age, driving habits, and gender are just some of the factors that affect the cost of car insurance in Delaware.

Insurance rates are also heavily influenced by geographic location. Read on to find out how you can land a car insurance deal that won’t require you to break the bank.

Cheap Car Insurance In Delaware

Here are the top 4 providers of cheap car insurance in Delaware:

  1. Allstate
  2. Esurance
  3. Progressive
  4. Travelers


allstate car insurance

Allstate has provided car insurance solutions across the country for slightly more than eight decades.

It offers drivers numerous discount options, such as the prepaid policy and a safe-driver discount.

The company offers a bonus point for every six months you drive without an accident. You can always adjust deductibles and limits to suit your needs.



esurance auto insurance

This firm is widely known for the Esurance mobile app, which allows you to manage your policy in the comfort of your home.

It offers highly competitive premiums, and drivers get plenty of support from online representatives. Its flexible payment options let you customize your policy.



progressive auto insurance

Progressive allows you to save up to 5 percent when you bundle your property and auto policies.

Multi-policy, safe-driver and online quote discounts are also available, along with competitive rates.

The firm has a wide range of coverage options tailored to meet unique insurance needs, and it is headquartered in Ohio.

Get Rates with Progressive



travelers car insurance

Travelers is highly popular for its round-the-clock claim reporting services and roadside assistance.

It boasts a strong financial rating and offers discounts on hybrid and electric vehicles.

How Much Is Car Insurance In Delaware?

The average cost of car insurance for Delaware is slightly higher than the price in surrounding states.

  • Average Cost of Car Insurance in Delaware: $1,145.66
  • National Average Cost of Car Insurance: $889.01

What Affects The Cost Of Car Insurance In Delaware?

cheapest car insurance in DelawareRegional dynamics play a significant role in the average cost of car insurance in Delaware and other states.

Traffic conditions, population density, disposable income, and the rate of crime, especially vehicle thefts, all influence the premium rates.

Traffic Conditions

Insurance providers factor in the rate of accidents and the region’s traffic density as they determine their premium rates.

States with a lower incidence of accidents and traffic densities are more likely to have lower premium rates as well. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, traffic fatalities in Delaware as of 2015 stood at 13.32 per 100,000 people, much higher than Pennsylvania’s 9.37 over the same period.

The figure is also higher than the U.S average of 10.92 fatalities.

Vehicle Theft Rates

The 2016 FBI report on crime rate estimates the rate of motor vehicle theft in Delaware at 159.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This rate is higher than New Jersey, which recorded 126.6 per the same amount.

Specific vehicle models can also affect the risk of vehicle theft. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau’s 2018 Hot Wheels Report, frequently stolen vehicles in Delaware include:

  • 2007 Honda Accord
  • 2000 Honda Civic
  • 2018 Toyota Camry
  • 2018 Ford Pickup
  • 2015 Nissan Altima
  • 2018 Ford Fusion
  • 2005 Chevrolet Pickup
  • 2015 Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee
  • 2007 Chevrolet Impala
  • 2001 Dodge Pickup

Drivers of these vehicles generally pay higher insurance premiums.

Population Density

The population density of a state affects both policy requirements and rates.

Car insurance providers correlate the traffic density and accident risk with the population density statistics. States with low population densities are less prone to accidents due to the low traffic density and tend to have lower premium rates.

The U.S Census Bureau estimates Delaware’s population density at 460.8 people per square mile, a little less than Maryland (594.8) and quite a bit less than New Jersey (1,195.5). Although less than surrounding states, this figure is still much higher than the national average (87.4) and may contribute to higher insurance rates.

Disposable Income

This factor doesn’t directly influence insurance premiums, though it’s an area of interest in the auto insurance industry.

Newer and more expensive vehicles abound in states with high disposable income. Such states are also characterized by insurance limits that supersede the minimum requirements to cover the high-end assets.

The per capita disposable personal income of Delaware is similar to other states, which therefore means that car insurance rates are not abnormally high.

What Is Mandatory for Car Insurance in Delaware?

The Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles governs car insurance in the state. Drivers in Delaware need to fulfill state provisions, with liability insurance being the minimum requirement for every driver. This coverage protects you during an at-fault accident.

The limits on your policy must include:

  • Property damage per accident: $10,000
  • Total injury or death per accident: $25,000
  • Injury or death per person: $25,000

In addition to liability insurance, personal injury protection is a requirement by Delaware law.

This coverage takes care of your medical expenses when you’re in an accident. A minimum limit of $15,000 is set for one person’s injury, while the minimum limit for bodily injury to more than one individual is $30,000.

Law enforcement officers in Delaware must ask for proof of insurance every time they pull over a vehicle. The Delaware DMV also performs vehicle insurance audits from time to time. Your insurance provider submits a Delaware Insurance Certification on your behalf to show compliance with this regulation, which affects every registered vehicle.

Penalties discourage drivers from driving without insurance coverage:

  • First offense: a minimum fine of $1,500
  • Subsequent offenses within three years: a minimum fine of $3,000 and six months driver’s license suspension

How To Reduce The Cost Of Car Insurance In Delaware

It’s impossible to get out of paying for car insurance, which isn’t to say that you must pay astronomical premiums.

There are several steps you can take to reduce car insurance costs. When renewal time comes around, take the time to review your policy and put in place the measures listed below to help lower your annual premium.

Choose higher deductibles: You can significantly reduce your costs by raising the deductibles on your car insurance. You should, however, make sure that you have the means to pay these higher deductibles should an accident occur.

Eliminate unnecessary coverages: Keep the optional insurance coverages like collision and comprehensive as low as possible on older vehicles. Determine the value of your car to find out if these coverages are a cost-effective option. This is especially important if you have an older car.

Stick with your company: Some insurance companies are known to reward faithful clients with premium discounts. Bundle your insurance policies, and trust your provider to cover other aspects of your household.

Explore other discounts: Make the most of low mileage, safe vehicle, and group insurance discounts. These vary from one provider to the next, so do your homework to determine how much your insurance partner offers.

When you investigate the insurance options available, you need to arm yourself with all the necessary information.

Knowledge of your car, your household, and your driving habits is paramount when making decisions on insurance coverage.

  • Vehicle: Have your vehicle’s identification number, make, and model on hand, along with a rough estimate of your annual mileage.
  • Household: Provide policy numbers for any other policies you might have with that firm. Find out how much you can pay on your own in case of loss, and include this in your deductibles. As you think of the liability coverage for your car, keep in mind any other assets that you would like to insure.
  • Driving Habits: Provide a record of any completed safe-driving courses and indicate your parking arrangements and residence.

What Can Increase the Cost of Your Car Insurance in Delaware?

As you try to keep car insurance rates as low as possible, remember that there are also some factors that can increase the cost such as your driving record, age, and gender.

In Delaware, some of the factors that may hinder your plans for cheaper car insurance include:


Insurance premium rates tend to be higher for teens who are just starting to drive.

Providers assume their chances of becoming involved in an accident are more elevated than more experienced drivers who receive lower premiums. One way to combat this discrepancy is to take a defensive driving course and provide the results to your provider.

Driving Record

If your insurance provider finds out that you have constant run-ins with the traffic police, they raise your premiums to cover their increased risks.

Drivers with a history of accidents should also expect higher premium rates. It may take some time, but you may be able to eventually clear your record of these infractions.


Younger men are typically charged higher insurance premiums as statistically, they’re more prone to accidents and speeding.

Also, men are more apt to drive for long hours at a time.

Vehicle Model

Vehicle models that are more likely to be vandalized end up with higher premiums and those high rates are also typical for vehicles with rare spare parts or costly repair bills. Choosing a popular model that is easy to work on may help keep your prices down.

Shopping For Car Insurance in Delaware

Comparing quotes from different insurance companies goes a long way toward helping you get the cheapest car insurance in your state.

It may seem like extra work, but it’s worth it. A minimum of three quotes can assist you in making an informed decision. You may also want to consider the length of time companies have spent in the market as well as their support services. Reviews from real clients can also help give a clearer picture.

After looking over these tips and suggestions on how to get the cheapest car insurance in Delaware, you should be ready to start the process of choosing your insurance provider.

Remember to compare the coverage options available from several companies and check into all available discounts.